Finance is considered to be the life blood of any business. It is always better that venture should be self funded because there is no better option than that. There are various ways by which any company can raise finance and especially the startups who is in the most need for initial finance. Company needs finance at various stages- from starting up, expanding, developing new products, or even during times of financial difficulty. Without sufficient funding, a business cannot operate efficiently or pursue opportunities for growth. The company has several options to raise finance, and the method chosen depends upon factors like size of the company, it’s financial health, what are companies goals basically its vision and mission. So, one of the way of raising finance is Equity Financing. EQUITY FINANCE Equity finance is the process of raising capital through sales of shares. Both public and private companies raise money for short term needs. Equity financing can come from friends, family, professional investors or an initial public offerings(IPO).