Top REALTORS are seeing a significant increase in the median sales price for a single family home in Mystic. The prices increased from $350,000 in 2020 to $415,000 in 2021. The total number of sales fell slightly down to 186 from 191 in 2020. The median days on the market for a house before it signs a contract fell from 23 days down to 15 days. The highest sale in 06355 was $2,425,000. Greg Broadbent is the top real estate agent in Mystic. Representing 108 sellers from 2017 to 2021 in Mystic, he is the #1 agent in 06355. As a team they have had a total volume of $53,816,220 in the same period. Contact the team for an update on year over year statistics and a list of market comparable homes similar to your home.