Universal Flavor are innovators as well as traditionalists. They are quality tobacco flavour manufacturers. The name is huge in making elegant and sophisticated flavours that can be used with anything from e-liquids to cigars, to shisha items. Universal Flavour is capable of developing a wide variety of flavors, ranging from heavy and smoky to smooth and aromatic, all powerfully taking into consideration the importance of sensory experience with an appearance of reliability and authenticity. These flavours boast technocratic and scientific research on the understanding of consumer flavour preferences. Universal Flavour believes in sustainability as its core value in all possible ways-make products not just according to the best standards but also make it totally in line with global environmental goals, eg, sourcing top quality raw materials and environmentally sound production methods. The name Universal Flavor stands out as a reputed name for some famous tobacco companies all over the world; through innovations, quality, and satisfaction, it has become synonymous with benchmark setting in the industry. From the traditional tobacco notes to bold and modern flavors, the universal flavor is distinctly paired with unforgettable sensations as a partner.