Author: sarahhhhhhhhhh

Imagine standing on the brink of something monumental, where each heartbeat resonates with the pulse of victory. My journey from a child with a fear of water to an Olympic... Read More

When you think about the essentials for a thriving kitchen, a sharp knife, a trusty frying pan, and maybe a pinch of salt come to mind. But here’s a curveball:... Read More

Living in Sydney, Christine always felt the pulse of the city — a vibrant blend of culture, nature, and the ever-bustling city life. But amid the beauty of Sydney, Christine... Read More

For 20 years, Kǎi Wén, a half-Chinese-born adoptee, lived a quiet life in Melbourne with his Australian adoptive parents, Migs and Nicole. At 65 years old, the couple had always... Read More

Hi, I’m Erika, and I want to share a story that took an unexpected turn when life led me to Sydney, Australia. Back in the Philippines, I had a close... Read More

A shoe collector with a passion for rare and high-end sneakers faces unique challenges as their collection grows. What starts as a casual interest quickly turns into a deep appreciation... Read More